About Me

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I've been married to my husband, Michael, for almost 25 years. I'm a mom to a biological son and an adopted son from Colombia, and I'm also a spiritual mom to my adopted son's older brother, who I claim as a son in my heart. I'm bilingual and love to work with and relate to Spanish-speaking children and families. I've been a teacher to students from all sorts of backgrounds and cultures for the last 20+ years. I'm also an author and a certified Biblical counselor. I'm in a new empty nest season in a new location far from where I raised my boys, so I'm definitely in a stage of rediscovering myself, my interests, and my purpose.

Surviving the Valley Series

Surviving the Valley Series
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Friday, July 23, 2021

Last days of summer 2021

And somehow, here we are again. On the last official day of summer break (not counting the weekend). Normally, I'd be in my classroom today, taking advantage of a quiet day to start setting things up before the building fills up with lots of noise and people. But not this year. The break was too short to give up a single day.

Normally, I'd be in panic mode all week, making sure I finished every project, squeezed in every doctor appointment, cleaned out every closet and pantry, etc. Not this year. With the last "normal" four weeks of summer now spread out into extra breaks through the year, I had to change my whole mindset of summer break.

It was just that. A much needed break. A time to rest, recharge, and refuel. To do things I enjoy. To give my mind a chance to unravel and declutter. A time to heal physically and address any health concerns I may have pushed to the side during a stressful year of survival (like getting my eyes checked--glasses coming soon!). A time to catch up with friends. A time to spend with the people I love without feeling so frazzled and pressed for time. 

Today I spent one last long morning on my bike, riding the nature trail, thanking God for all the gifts around me that He brought to my attention this summer. I found a quiet spot beside the still water of a pond to just sit and breathe in God's goodness, to surrender this next school year to Him, asking for wisdom to handle whatever the year brings, trusting that He's in control of all the details. 

And as frazzled, physically depleted, and angry as the last school year left me, these last six weeks helped immensely in refilling my tank and uplifting my spirit. I'm ready to head back to work on Monday morning with a renewed enthusiasm and sense of purpose. This is my mission field, and God has equipped me for the task ahead and prepared me for the people He's going to put on my path. Students, families, and coworkers alike. 

Here are a few last pics of summer that I want to have here to remember.

Celebrating July 20--Colombian Independence Day (eating Mazamorra Paisa at a local Colombian restaurant) and 13 years since the day we met Juan David.

July 5, my dad's 75th birthday! I made him 75 little muffins to munch on for awhile.

July 4th with my boys

My very patriotic, loves his country, son

Having a full day off together occasionally to enjoy a different kind of date

Several bowling outtings as a family or just two of us.

Joining my parents for lunch on Father's Day

Celebrating Juan's 8th year as our son (has it really only been 8 years????)

Hanging out with David. 
He worked hard at a new full-time job all summer, so I had to focus on quality time whenever I could, rather than quantity time like last summer. Plus I had to share him with his new girlfriend (who I adore). I loved that he worked so close to home so that I got to see him when he came home for his lunch breaks. And that we almost always went to church together on Saturday nights.
An unexpected gift from my sister-in-law that I got to watch her make for me on a laser machine she uses for her new business, Abby Kate Designs. Such a sweet gesture that touched my heart. 
A good motto for the year ahead, too. 

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