About Me

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I've been married to my husband, Michael, for almost 25 years. I'm a mom to a biological son and an adopted son from Colombia, and I'm also a spiritual mom to my adopted son's older brother, who I claim as a son in my heart. I'm bilingual and love to work with and relate to Spanish-speaking children and families. I've been a teacher to students from all sorts of backgrounds and cultures for the last 20+ years. I'm also an author and a certified Biblical counselor. I'm in a new empty nest season in a new location far from where I raised my boys, so I'm definitely in a stage of rediscovering myself, my interests, and my purpose.

Surviving the Valley Series

Surviving the Valley Series
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Thursday, May 30, 2024

More Texas in May highlights

It was a quick trip with a quick turnaround, with some rather complicated travel plans that came up at the last minute. It was also my birthday and Mother's Day, it was the first time for Mike to meet Loren, Juan's steady girlfriend and her family, the first time for Mike to be back in Texas since we moved, and it was the first time my mother-in-law and my nephew had ever hung out in Garland, Texas with us to see our house and where we lived and worked. As much as I would have loved to have been able to plan a little more relaxed, family time, that just wasn't possible. It was way more stimulation than I cared for, I was VERY sleep deprived after some very late nights, but I do cherish the memories we were able to squeeze in. Here are a few pics of those moments:

My amazing son picked me up at the airport late Wednesday night and took me to my friend Martha's house where the rest of the family would "invade" the next night. My flight didn't get in till 9:00 (which was 10:00 for me), so needless to say, I was up "way past my bedtime" that night. It was a really nice time, though, sitting up talking with Juan, Loren, and our friends/hosts, Warren and Martha, till past midnight. 

I got to join my mom for the last week of her Bible study on Psalm 23, a study her ladies at church had decided on based on my raving recommendation. It was neat to see where my mom gathers with her Bible study peeps and to meet the friends she's been hanging out with more since I moved. It was also a blessing to have several of the ladies come up and thank me for recommending the study because it was such a blessing to them. After the study, I drove back to my parents' house to see my dad, and we took this really sweet picture of the three of us. 

Our friends blessed us with the use of a car while we were in Texas, an old vehicle that they called "the beast". 

Drove by my old house. Still looks the same, minus the rose bushes. I drove my mother-in-law by it and then down the alley to show her the back. We got caught by the owner just sitting behind the backyard staring at it, a moment we'll still be laughing about for a long time. 

I had a chance to meet with two of my closest friends, my first Bible study peeps from the first Bible study I ever taught. They are my soulmates, and I love how we just pick up as if no time has ever passed. 

My mom made me a batch of homemade chai and surprised me with it on my birthday morning. Sorry--I didn't end up making anyone coffee that morning. Lol. 

We met Juan, Loren, and her whole family at a Colombian restaurant for brunch the day after graduation. Juan wanted to make sure that they all got a chance to meet Mike for the limited time he was there, and he made sure to tell me how much he appreciated us making the time for it to happen. We were supposed to go to a Mexican restaurant, but at the last minute, we decided to try a new Colombian place that just opened. What a treat! It was a cultural experience for everyone!

Jugo de mora--Blackberry juice


Patacones--(Fried plantains)

My mother-in-law's first experience with Colombian food! She was a little overwhelmed!

After brunch, the boys went one direction, while I hung out with Peggy to show her around town. I showed her where we lived, where I worked, where we shopped, and where Mike worked. We went to my favorite coffee shop where they had a Mother's Day event going on, and yes, I put my birthday crown back on. :) We also stopped at my parents' house first thing in the morning, and she really enjoyed seeing them and seeing their house. Honestly, when I found out a year ago that David's graduation was the same weekend as my birthday, hanging out with Peggy in Garland on my birthday was the last thing I could have imagined. A very unexpected special time, indeed. In 30 years of being in a relationship with her son, we regretfully never built much of a relationship until the last two years. She had her eyes wide open the whole trip and cherished every moment. She said it meant so much to her to be a part of the whole celebration.  

Our church where we attended on Saturday nights for 12 years until they dropped the Saturday service after COVID finally started their Saturday night service again, so we were able to attend church together at our home church. We only saw a couple people that we knew, but David's friends also joined us because that's where they have all been attending the young adult group on Tuesday nights for the last two years. 

They gave out roses for Mother's Day after the service. I love that Mauri (the pastor) photobombed our pic. :)

Juan and I spent a really precious time together on Mother's Day morning. First he took me out to a Mexican restaurant for breakfast. We enjoyed very sweet conversation, talked a lot in Spanish, and I even saw the parent of three of my previous students and talked with her. :)

Then we went to an Asian bakery that he found recently and got me dessert and coffee. He called it an Asian Starbucks. Once again, we just sat and talked and enjoyed our time together. 

Then Juan went to spend the day with Loren's family for their Mother's Day family celebration, and I spent the day with my mom (and dad). Plans kept changing, so we never made any kind of a definite plan for the day. It actually turned out nicer that way. We watched Hallmark movies and had tuna boats for dinner. Yum! I hadn't had a tuna boat in years, and it sure was good!

I'm so glad I got to see my bestie, Amy! She came out for David's party, and then I went to her house after school on Monday to catch up a little bit more. 

My brother wasn't able to make it to David's graduation party or even see Mike or David at all, but my mom and I were able to drive out to his new house on Monday so at least I could see him and his family. He collects pennies and just celebrated his 49th birthday, so I took 49 pennies for him. :)

Monday night, Juan came back to get me and took me out for Korean barbecue, something he had requested for his birthday that we sadly never took him out for. The food was interesting and the experience of cooking it ourselves. But the time together was priceless. Juan really went out of his way to spend a lot of quality time with me on this trip, and I'm so thankful that I traveled separately from the rest of the gang so that I had that extra time with him before they arrived and after they left. 
I sure do love that boy.

As if we didn't have enough packed into a few short days, I also had the privilege of speaking at our ladies retreat with Terrace Lake Church in Indiana on my birthday. I shared my testimony via video of our journey to Juan and his siblings and how it related to prayer. So while I galavanted around my old stomping ground in Garland, I kept getting messages from my new friends in Colombus thanking me for sharing my story. Apparently I had everyone in tears, as they kept passing tissues around while my video played. Though I hated not being able to attend and speak in person, God planned it strategically so I would be reminded that Columbus is my home now and the place where He's chosen to use me at this time in my life. (The weird part is that now 70+ women know me a lot more intimately, but I don't even know who they all are!) It did make for a nice welcome back, though.

All in all, I came back physically and emotionally exhausted. Every time I go back, I grieve all over again. I still wish it all didn't have to be pushed into just a few short days so I could have savored the moments (and not operate on such minimal sleep), but I realized that this blog is my chance to savor them now and to reminisce. It's almost like getting the chance to experience them twice--once in real time, the second time in quiet reflection. To not take the time to blog about them would only rob me of that second time. 

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