Question: Why did you rewrite your first book? (From the the Valley...and Back!)
Answer: Honestly, I never intended to. But when I finished writing the sequel to it, I knew I wanted the books to make a perfect pair. I joined a writer's group after publishing the first book, and my writing improved and matured so much in that time. I knew I'd be much prouder of a revised edition, which I am. It's a book that I can take back to my writer's group and say, "Look at all you've taught me." Plus, now they will go together quite well since they are both under the same publisher.
Question: What makes this book (Unexpected Tears) so much different than the earlier edition?
- More active voice, less passive voice
- Shorter paragraphs, meaning less reader fatigue
- More condensed, concise writing
- More dialogue, taking you right into each scene
- More intimate detail
- Scripture verses with each chapter
- Advertisement for the coming sequel in the epilogue (Painful Waiting)
- The true names for three of the four "children" in the story
- True author name, no longer a pen name
- New title (shorter)
- New cover (catches your eye better and draws you in emotionally)
- New publisher
- Been through several editors
- Extra reader reviews added
- Cheaper price (for the paperback)--less than $10!
- More availability and greater opportunity to use in ministry
I am really excited about this unexpected turn in my writing "career"/ministry. I look forward to seeing all that God still wants to do with our story, and I hope you'll stay tuned as we progress toward publication of the second book, the sequel many of you have been patiently waiting for.
For my current readers, please leave a review on Amazon if our story touched your heart in any way, and pass the word on!
Thank you, ABH, for believing in me and my story enough to be part of your new ministry. I am honored to be part of it.
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