About Me

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I've been married to my husband, Michael, for almost 25 years. I'm a mom to a biological son and an adopted son from Colombia, and I'm also a spiritual mom to my adopted son's older brother, who I claim as a son in my heart. I'm bilingual and love to work with and relate to Spanish-speaking children and families. I've been a teacher to students from all sorts of backgrounds and cultures for the last 20+ years. I'm also an author and a certified Biblical counselor. I'm in a new empty nest season in a new location far from where I raised my boys, so I'm definitely in a stage of rediscovering myself, my interests, and my purpose.

Surviving the Valley Series

Surviving the Valley Series
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Saturday, March 1, 2014

Seize the opportunity!


Jennifer Rothschild, author of Walking by Faith--Lessons I Learned in the Dark.  She also wrote Lessons I Learned in the Light and Missing Pieces.  She's written other stuff, but those are the three books/studies that have impacted my life.  (By the way, she is blind).


Stormie Omartian, author of The Power of a Praying Wife, The Power of a Praying Parent, The Power of a Praying Woman. She, too, has written a whole bunch of other books about prayer, but those are the three books that God used to completely change my prayer life. God used her ministry in my life so profoundly to first transform my marriage, heal my bitter, cold heart, and then turn me into a prayer warrior.  I'm so thankful for her.  

So, let's back up about six weeks or so.  I read an article about different ways to self-market, focusing on just one thing you could do every day to market your book.  One of the days included getting your book into the hands of a celebrity, or someone "well-known".  Both Stormie and Jennifer came to my mind, considering that I mentioned both of them in my book (and in the sequel, too). But I didn't want to just mail it to them since they had never met me. That very day, I got an e-mail saying that they both would be speaking this weekend here in Plano at a Fresh Grounded Faith conference!

I took a book to give each of them, but I asked God to open the door of opportunity to be able to give it to them personally if that's what He wanted me to do.  Sure enough, I had the opportunity to talk to each one after the conference and give them a book, thanking them for their ministry and telling them that I wrote in my own book about how their ministry had impacted me.  I even got a picture!  What a blessing. :)

Love, love, love those women.  Then add Meredith Andrews beautiful voice and story to the mix, and my cup overflowed. 

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